Since I was too brain-dead to write up each and every memory of the race (4 loops of 25 miles each is a loooong distance and takes a loooong time...take my word for this), I decided to capture what I felt at every stage of the race from the moment I signed up after a first not-so-successful attempt at a 100 to the moment I finally crossed the finish, using quotes from famous people obviously more intelligent than me. Reading it now really made me relive all those moments although it may not make much sense to someone reading this. So here it they say....better late than never....the story as it unfolded
While signing up for the race
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
- Douglas Adams
At the start of the race looking at the other runners
"These nuts got guts."
- Jeff Stegeman, writing for Durango paper 7/10/98 about Hardrock
"Any idiot can run a marathon. It takes a special kind of idiot to run an ultramarathon."
- Alan Cabelly
Loops 1 and 2 when I was blasting through the course for the first 50 miles and feeling really good:
"Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads."
- Thoreau
"If I can see it, I can run it."
- Randi Bromka Young
"I never met a carbohydrate I didn't like."
- David Lygre
"If Klingons were runners, they would be Ultrarunners."
- Bryan Hacker
"If I can't go faster I'll go longer."
- Doug Barber
"Drink, drink, drink! Pee, pee, pee!"
- Ed Hart
This was the point where I was beginning to feel a bit irritable to say the least. I was tired, hungry, sleepy, my feet were beat up and I knew all the time I had built up in beating the cut-offs in the first two loops will be lost on this one.
"The first 50 miles are run with the legs, the second 50 miles with the mind."
- Unknown
"Why am I doing this?"
- Don Herres
"Well, there *used* to be a trail here somewhere ... "
"You'll be wistful for the "wall" of the marathon, when you hit the "death grip" of the ultra."
- Bob Glover
"Why would anyone want to do this a second time?"
- Sue Haupt
"ARRRGH -- what in God's name ever possessed me to think this would be a good thing to do?"
- Charles N. Steele
"Yay! Only 25 miles to go"
-Never in my wildest dreams thought that I would say that out loud
"At some point it doesn't get any worse."
- Unknown
"Beware of the chair!"
- Unknown
"My doctor told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already."
- Milton Berle
"Nobody should ever run a race where they are lapped by the sun."
- friend of Alex Swenson, referring to 100 mile races
"... slowed my pace to the point that I could have been rear-ended by a sleepy snail."
- Dave Olney
"I have to find another port-a-tree."
- Ellie Thayer
"Running is a four weather sport."
- Unknown
"90% of ultrarunning is 100% mental."
- Unknown
"Nobody is going to finish this damn thing for me, but me."
- Unknown
Crossing the finish line:
"It just doesn't get any better than this."
- Chris Nymann
"I have met my hero, and he is me."
- George Sheehan
And finally....finito....the shiny buckle is all mine...muahahaha

What a creative way to present this, dude! Awesome! I enjoyed the read, am proud of your accomplishment. :)
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