Eminently forgettable

Every other statement in this abomination of an article talking of the big B trying to burnish his do-gooder image (I'm not trying to pass a judgment here...he may very well be) through his Unforgettable tour results in an immense feeling of wtfness.

Sample this...."33% of the universe is without electricity and a large portion of it is in India" (which probably means India is some sort of blackhole within planet earth.....itself an impossibility..... big enough to accommodate a large portion of the universe). Either the big B needs to brush up on his astrophysics or Rediff needs new reporters..hopefully its the latter.

Case study B... "
We have taken up the cause of providing electricity in 100 villages (across the world by Feb 2009) and through this tour, hopefully, we will be able to contribute towards providing solar lantern to at least one village in India." One village; in a land of million villages....yes, that surely is going to make a difference (hint hint...sarcasm). And I would be grateful to anyone who cares to explain to me what good a solar lantern does towards "providing electricity"

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