Vogue India editor Priya Tanna’s message to critics of the August shoot: “Lighten up,” she said in a telephone interview. Vogue is about realizing the “power of fashion” she said, and the shoot was saying that “fashion is no longer a rich man’s privilege. Anyone can carry it off and make it look beautiful,” she said.
Of course. If they can afford to splurge out a cool $100 on a piece of rag in the first place. Come to think of it, why would anyone in their right minds pay $10k for a friggin handbag even if they can afford to do so a gazillion times over. Now I'm not trying to be on a moral high ground and say they shouldn't be peddling all these luxury goods...its a (pseudo-) free country...everyone is (almost) free to do whatever they want, but hey, being a little considerate to others around you never hurt anyone.
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